Wednesday, November 1

Game Tip for : Tony Hawk

Big Score in Burnside:

At Burnside, you start off the level in a half pipe. While in that half pipe, you might find a little bug that will permit you to get a big score. It's simple, just do a slide while in the half-pipe, and when you reach a small space between the net and the half-pipe, your player will "enter" the half-pipe. Now you can do tricks and more tricks, racking up a big score. Then, when you go out without falling down, the judge will give you a 99!

Better Scoring With Greater Air:

The first one is a "Switch Benihana + Front foot impossible." Do this by pressing the south east direction (all the time while doing the trick) then buttons 6 and then 4. This gets you a score of 4,000 the first time, then 3,000 the second time, then 2,000 on the third time, and 1,000 points the fourth time.

The second trick is a "720 Madonna + kickflip to Indy." To do, this press the north west direction (throughout) then a successive press of the 6-Key and the 4-Key. If done right and over a channel/narrow gap you should get some great points: The first time you should get 10,000 points, the second time you'll get 8,000, the third time you'll get 7,000, and the fourth time 6,000, and so on. Every subsequent time you do the trick, you will get one thousand less points.

The third trick is a "540 Stalefish + Switch Channel Gap + varial" This is done by holding the south west direction constantly and successively pressing 6 and 4 one after the other. You'll get 8,000 the first time you do this, 6,000 the second time, and then 1,000 points less each subsequent time.

The fourth and final one is called "Rocket air + Fingerflip." You do this trick by hitting north east direction constantly as well as the 6-Key and the 4-Key one after another. Gets you: 1st time is 4500+ and then decreases by 1000 points every time you do it.

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